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Infant + Toddler Classroom

We have two classrooms for Infants and Toddlers. In our Infant room our teachers focus on primary caregiving skills. We seek to partner with families to provide care which is modeled after your home. In the infant room we will help foster large into small motor muscle development. We will celebrate milestones with your child and always hope to be an extension of the love and care you offer at home. We engage with children each day believing three statements for them: “God made me”, “God loves me”, and “Jesus wants to be my friend”. 

As your child ages into the Toddler Age, we build upon three statements for each child: “God made me”, “God loves me”, and “Jesus wants to be my friend” by planning intentional time to play and learn as they take next steps towards independence. This classroom offers more a more routine schedule to include one naptime, morning and afternoon snacks as well as lunch. We speak and sing all the time to model language development and are consistently rotating toys to encourage play-based exploration and sensory experiences. We spend time in our classroom, outside, or in our large motor play space.

Two-Year-Old Classroom

As your child ages into the Two-Year-Old Room we will continue to partner in the steep learning curve that is independence. Every day we will engage with children in the daily rhythms and routines: “God made me”, “God loves me”, and “Jesus wants to be my friend”. This will be shared daily as children experience independent choice time, family style meals, small group projects and learning in a larger social setting. We focus on recognizing and naming our emotions, asking our friends to join in our play, and building our vocabulary. When your child is ready, we will partner with your home routine to focus on potty training skills. We spend time outdoors twice each day if the weather allows. You will notice our classroom may change frequently to accommodate to our need to learn through movement. As we prepare for preschool, we begin visiting those classes in the afternoons after we are 2.5 years old.


Preschool/Pre-K Classroom

PSPK classroom is short for Preschool and Pre-K classroom. We enjoy sharing “God made me”, “God loves me”, and “Jesus wants to be my friend” throughout our days, weeks, and months. This is experienced through bible stories, how we model talking with our friends or family, and in our daily rhythms. We include an academic focus through independent choice time, family style meals, and learning in a variety of large and small group settings throughout the day. This is done in a consistent social setting for two years to allow us to be learners and leaders with a set group of children and teachers. It is our goal for children to be in the same setting for the two years before Kindergarten. Our teachers model vocabulary and skill building through theme-based learning and encourage us to explore more through open ended questions, investigations, and expanding our vocabulary. We will use the indoor and outdoor settings to scaffold our learning to foster a curiosity rich experience.